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Episode 7: The Power of Creative Truths

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We can maintain our sense of self integrity by telling ourselves or affirming ourselves what we believe in positive ways. I'm Bonnie Christine, and this is where all things, creativity, design, business, and marketing unite. I'm a mama living in a tiny town, tucked right inside the Smokey Mountains, running a multi seven figure business, doing the most creative and impactful work of my life.

When I first set out to become an entrepreneur, I was struggling to make ends meet and wrestling with how to accomplish my biggest dream of becoming a fabric designer. Fast forward to today, I'm not only licensing my artwork all over the world, but also teaching others how to design their creative life and experience the same success. I'm here to help you spend your life doing something that lights you up.

I'll help you build a creative business that also creates an impact, changes people's lives, gives you all of the freedom you want and is wildly profitable. Welcome to the Professional Creative Podcast. Hello and welcome to another episode of the Professional Creative Podcast. A few episodes ago I shared with you a couple of affirmations or truths that I often tell myself, and I wanted to do a deep dive into that today.

Creative affirmations or creative truths are something that I started a couple of years ago. They are not something that I've always done, and quite frankly, stuff like this I find kind of difficult, like setting in intention every day, or gratitude journaling or journaling in general, things like that I seem to start out with a lot of motivation for and really just,

I let it fall by the wayside, and I know that about myself. So these though have been something very consistent in my life and they've made an incredible impact. So I'm going to read them for you today and kind of invite you to create your own list, and I have some ideas for you, but first I just wanna talk about why I do them.

So I have a list of 25 truths, 25 affirmations that are directly related to my creativity and my purpose in my business. Now, I also have a list of affirmations for my life, things about how I parent things, about how I wanna show up as a wife and a mother, and most of these are all based in scripture. I'm not gonna go over those today,

but I do have some really amazing resources if you want to check them out over on the show notes for today's episode, because I think it's important to have affirmations for both your creative life and your business life, but also for your spiritual and you know, real life where you are showing up as likely a mother, daughter, sister, wife, all of those things,

right? So today though, we're gonna focus on these creative truths and like I said, I did this for the first time a few years ago, and it was because I was really lacking the reminder of my bigger purpose. And so the way that these originated are from either things that I know are true, but I need to keep right in front of me,

like at the forefront of my day. Or there are things that I'm struggling to believe, but that I want to believe, right? So there there are things that I'm being very, very intentional and disciplined about changing my mindset around, which is pretty impactful. There's a lot of science behind positive affirmations. One of the key psychological theories behind positive affirmations is called the Self Affirmation Theory,

and this was done by steel back in 1988. So there are so many studies since then as well that are based on the idea that we can maintain our sense of self integrity by telling ourselves or affirming ourselves, what will we believe in positive ways. I'm not gonna go further into the research, but I do like a little bit of science with these types of things.

But just know that there's an immense amount of psychological studies done on the way that we speak to ourselves, the truths that we proclaim and how they actually do change and impact our entire lives. So before I jump into my own list, I want to tell you about the freebie for today's episode. So if you hop on over to the show notes, that URL is going to be professional creative.com/blog/seven.

We'll link that in the episode notes as well, but you'll be able to grab this download for yourself. And so I'm going to be sharing with you my 25 though we've identified 50. And so this is what you'll be able to download, and you can think of it almost as a creative affirmation menu. So you can really pull from this menu which ones you need right now and leave the rest,

take the ones that serve you and then maybe revisit it because as you say, these truths and they become second nature to you and you actually do change, then maybe in a year from now, you won't need to say the same ones. You'll need something a little bit different. So head on over to the show notes to download that and use it as a menu to create your own.

So what I do is I read these every single morning. I printed them off so that I don't have to be looking at my phone or anything like that. I have a piece of paper next to my bed and I just wake up and I read them. It takes less than 60 seconds, but it sets my intention for the day and it reminds me of who I am and what I'm doing.

And so that's kind of my challenge for you, is to take this menu, pull as many as you feel like serve you. Maybe it's five or 10 or like me, 25, and just start to read them every single day. Maybe promise to do this like 30 days in a row and see what changes for you. This episode is sponsored by my all new free mini class called Start Simple.

In Surface Design, you will never forget the moment you feel your first pattern design in your very own hands from concept to design to finish product. The process is nothing short of magical surface. Pattern design is the craft of creating artwork for things like fabric, gift wrap, wallpaper, and so much more. It has brought me so much joy over the last decade,

and I want you to experience the same thing because getting started with a new skill can feel a little overwhelming. I've broken down everything you need to know in order to get started as simply as possible in just five lessons that are under 20 minutes each. You're going to learn how to design your own repeating pattern, ready for a fabric gift wrap, or a wallpaper.

You'll create a repeating pattern. You'll use simple techniques in Adobe Illustrator, and you'll know how to order your very own product today. Now, don't worry, even if you've never used this program, I'll teach you everything you need to know to get up and running. I'll even show you how to use found objects like leaves or strings. So you don't even have to draw if you don't want to.

I'll teach you how to create a custom color palette, design your very own pattern and export your file like a pro. If you have an hour to learn a brand new skill all for free, then let's get started. Head on over to bonnie christine.com/start to signup today. Again, that's bonnie christine.com/start simple. It's B O N N I E C H R I S T I N e.com/start.

Simple. I'll meet you there. I cannot wait to see what you make in class. Okay, so are you ready to hear mine? Here are my 25 creative affirmations. There is room for me. I am a creative soul. I am disciplined, driven, and focused. My voice is needed in the world. Inspiration is everywhere, always offering itself in abundance.

My perspective is unique. I am creative and innovative. I develop creatives. That's not something that I do. It's who I am. Opportunities flow to me and I receive them. I wake up with purpose and direction. I do not waste time. I don't do overwhelm. I use my time well. I do not procrastinate. I do not entertain sloppy thinking.

I am fearless. I see abundance all around me. My value isn't tied to my accomplishments. I am called to make an impact. I am always curious, always in a position of being a student, I deserve to rest. Restoration and rejuvenation, fuel, creativity. I show up. I embrace vulnerability. Some people won't like me, and that's okay.

Ideas come to me and I steward them well. That's my list of 25 affirmations that I read every day, and I cannot begin to tell you how impactful they've been. Again, hop on over to the show notes, download your own menu. Choose the ones that you think will help serve you well. So there are gonna be 50 total and start trying this out and see if it makes an impact in your life as well.

Until next time, friends, thank you for joining me for another quick episode of the Professional Creative Podcast. I'll see you next time.


I'm Bonnie Christine.


Thanks for joining me in this journey. I can't wait to help you to craft a career you love!

Let's be friends!

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