43: Behind the Scenes of Planning our Mastermind Intensive Event
Apr 20, 2023
Whether you’re thinking about offering a workshop, mastermind, or any kind of intensive, this episode is for you. After hosting my annual mastermind retreat this spring, I wanted to tell you all about it— and in this episode, I’m sharing more about my mastermind the Mark Makers and the key components that make a successful intensive. Don't forget to download your free intensive schedule planning template below!
Hosting an in-person event takes a lot of consideration, but by planning strategically and considering your workshop and attendee needs, you can create a memorable and successful event.
We just got back from our spring in person intensive.
It's a big deal to get so many creative entrepreneurs in one room.
Download My Intensive Event Planning Template
Use this customizable schedule I’ve created for my own intensives to plan out your event flow.
Four Key Components for Intensive Planning
- Planning: Consider timeline and give dates as soon as possible. Determine location about 6 months out. Survey to learn what they’re looking to get out of the intensive.
- Workshop content: Review survey and plan your workshop content, guest speaker outreach, etc., and start developing the schedule so you have a good balance of content type with room for breaks and meals. Consider starting questions and closing thoughts as well.
- Catering and Activities: Start meal planning and consider dietary restrictions. Determine which meals you’ll cover. You’l also want to plan for activities, AV needs, and any printed materials needed including nametags and place cards.
- Last Minute Tasks and Considerations: Consider thoughtful amenities for your attendees to add a personal touch, and plan for setting up and cleanup as needed.
Links & Resources:
Creating Special Touches—Our Mastermind Nametags
Review of the week:
I have been listening on my way to work in the morning and there is so much valuable information and inspiration to do what you love. I can’t wait to jump in and learn more :)
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