Episode 10: The Logistics of Running an Online Conference
Dec 01, 2022
The Logistics of Running an Online Conference
We just wrapped up our fifth annual Immersion Live conference, and while it's all really fresh in our minds, I wanted to package it up for you and let you know all the different things that we did to make this event come alive. In this episode, I’ll be diving into all the logistics that go into producing our annual online conference—from what it looked like in the beginning to what it looks like today, five years later. I’ll take you through what goes into running a conference like this and even share the revenue and expenses for this year’s conference so you can understand what all goes into running an event like this. Though an event like this can have many moving parts, it can actually be quite simple if you want it to be.
"As long as it makes this kind of connection
this kind of impact,
we will always do this."
Want a behind-the-scenes timeline and task list for running an online conference?
See our timeline, essentials, touchpoints, and the roles and responsibilities involved in running our 2022 conference.
Free Download: Behind the Scenes of Running an Online Conference
- The history: Our first in-person conferences and transitioning to online and how the conference has evolved over the last five years.
- The timeline of planning an online conference—from months out to go live. (See it in detail including roles and responsibilities in our free download!)
- The logistics: Creating a real-time hub to share announcements, links, and resources during the event, plus replay and product creation after the fact.
- The after: The importance of reviewing while it’s still fresh to capture the takeaways and ideas.
- The revenue: The revenue and the cost of running this year’s event.
Our event DREAM TEAM:
Producer: Will Stewart from 9/8 Central
Event coordinator: Erin Godbey from Makers Collective
Flowers: Willow Florals
Backdrop: made by Annie Koelle
Hair and makeup: Beka Diez Hair
Want to get access to the event? Replays are now available! Get all of the details right here.
Words from some of our event attendees:
Review of the week:
Legit artist who tells you how much she makes!
Bonnie wants you to succeed and she gives you all the nitty gritty plus doses of inspiration. No one really states how much they earn but Bonnie is transparent. Not that income is everything. But when you get the facts it builds trust. Bravo for your bravery Bonnie.
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